Glass Bottle Apps Apps

Unit Pricer - Compare Prices 2.1.1
Unit Pricer - The simple unit price calculation, comparison, andsharing tool. How do you know you are getting the best deal?Sometimes the store will put the unit price on the tag, sometimesthey won't, especially if the item is on sale. Enter the prices,sizes, tap calculate and immediately you know which is the betterprice. Hit clear and you can start over. You can compare up to fourunit prices at once, and as soon as you hit "calculate", the lowestprice will be highlighted. You can also save prices for later, andsend your calculated unit prices over social networks to all yourfriends so they can save money too. This save and share function isbuilt into the app to make the process as quick and easy aspossible. Unit Pricer also now handles unit conversions, meaningyou can compare unit prices of items measured with different units,i.e. dollars per gram with dollars per ounce. This is the cleanestand simplest free unit price calculator out there. It's one quickand easy tool to save a few bucks while shopping.
Whack a Mail 1.0.4
Whack a Mail is the fun, fast-paced gamethatlooks like work.Whack a Mail is a game for people who want to have funwhilelooking productive, or people who just want to feel moreproductivethan they really are. It is a traditional whack-a-molegame with atwist: it’s in the middle of an email screen.From the moment you start playing, dingbats (or 'bats)startpopping up on the screen. Your goal is to whack them to piecesassoon as possible (and get back to checking your email)! Youcanalso unlock and collect 'bats to fill up your 'bat collection.Tryto collect them all.Play in Three Strikes Mode, or Time Race Mode. In ThreeStrikes,you have three lives and you can hit as many bats aspossible untilyou lose. In Time Race, it doesn't matter if youmiss, but you onlyhave 60 seconds to score as many points aspossible.Glass Bottle Apps is not responsible for any decreaseinproductivity caused by this game.Please send feedback to [email protected].
StoreNav Beta 0.8.1
Big stores can be confusing places and it can often bedifficultto find what you’re looking for. StoreNav tackles this byprovidinga source for maps of any large store. You can choose froma list ofavailable maps and save them to your device for later use(that wayyou can download them at home and not get data charges youareout). When you get to the store, you can select the items youarelooking for, and their location will pop up on the map.Currently we only have a few maps, but that’s where you comein.We want our users and corporate partners to submit maps. Theycanbe photos of existing maps or your own creations. The imagesshouldbe at least 1800×1200 pixels and have an aspect ratio of 2:3.Theycan be submitted to [email protected]: the Shoji's Treasures map is a sample to demonstratethepromotional functions of the app.Known Bugs:- Trying to download more than one store map at a time causesthewrong map to be displayed on the second store- When you switch stores, the old store's items will stay onthelist and map to points (0.5, 0.5)- Setting item photos is not yet implemented- There is nothing to prevent you from downloading multiplecopiesof the same store
Dodgy Dingbat 2.2.4
You are a super dingbat in a pipeline full of endless spam. Dodgethe spam for as long as possible. It's harder than it looks. DodgyDingbat is a game that tests your reactions time and your abilityto make quick decisions. Using only a simple tap-to-jump control,can you navigate the increasing number of hazards running towardsyou? What makes Dodgy Dingbat different than other tap-to-jumpgames, is that the spam obstacles are small, and there are manyways around them. This makes the game easier at first, but as moreand more spam envelopes appear, the choices get harder and harder.Scores are calculated based on how long you survive. Play one offour difficulty modes depending on how much you want to challengeyourself. Normal Mode, Hot Pipe Mode, High Speed Mode, andImpossible mode. Play one of the free or unlockable skins toexplore the game's varied settings. Dodgy Dingbat is to pick up,easy to challenge your friends and easy to challenge yourself.There is no bird in this game. You play as a super dingbat, arandom symbol that is not a letter or number. Each theme has adifferent dingbat as your run and jump through each level.
Red or Blue - Game of Choices 1.0.0
Test your pure reaction time and image recognition skills with thissuper fast game of choices. This game is as simple as "choose Red",but the challenge is the super-short time limit. Choose withinseconds (or less), or the game is over. As you play more, the timelimit gets shorter and shorter as you level up. You also getchallenged with more and more images to test yourself against. Itmight be easy to tell the difference between red and blue, but howquickly can you tell the difference between salt and pepper? Greatgame for short waits, because you will lose quickly, maybe you willlast a minute if you're good.
Pint or Pitcher 1.0.8
Pick the drink that won't give your wallet a hangover
Pint or Pitcher Plus 1.0.1
Free version (with ads) available at: some people, this is a frequent problem. You're at apub/bar/restaurant and you can't decide whether it's better to buypints of beer, or a pitcher. Pint or Pitcher takes the price of thepitcher and calculates what a pint should cost. eg. the pitchercosts $20.00, a a pint is $7.25. The app shows that is should cost$6.67, so mathematically (depending on how many glasses you willhave\share) it is cheaper to order a pitcher. Get the best value/price in your beer and save money. Drink responsibly. -PREMIUMFEATURES- - No Advertising - Custom pint and pitcher sizes - Morebackground options available
Beckon - Be Found in the Crowd 1.0.1
Do you find it difficult to meet up withpeoplein crowded places because you just can't find them?The Beckon app will simplify the process of meetingfriends,especially in crowded cities. The many colour choices areavailableto differentiate between different friend groups and tosuit users’personal preferences. Once colours are chosen, the phonecan thenbe set to flash between the two different colours atapredetermined rate tested to grab other people’s attention.Testing was done on the app in Toronto’s busy KensingtonMarketneighbourhood, where it proved successful in being noticedfrom adistance. It was also observed during the testing that theappworks best when used from the shade, so the screen’s brightnesscanhave the largest impact.
Happy Alarm - Win Game to Stop 1.0.1
Is a regular alarm clock not enough to getyouup in the morning? Try Happy Alarm! This alarm clock appchallengesyou to win a fast-paced game before the noise will stop.(based onour Red or Blue game) but with uplifting, beautiful,andmotivational images built in. The result, an alarm that forcesyouto get your brain going to think fast, and have the motivationtoget up and go about your day.While there have been many challenge‐based alarm clockappsreleased recently, Happy Alarm leverages the fast paced natureofour Red or Blue game, and numerous inspiring photos fromourin‐house photo library. The app also benefits from months ofeffortfrom the Glass Bottle Apps team to perfect the userinterface. Itis easy to set an alarm, and once the alarm startsringing, theuser must answer a set number of questions correctly ina row, orthe counter resets. The win threshold is adjustable,depending onjust how much stimulation is needed.
Fundometer - A Fun Savings App 3.1.11
Welcome to Fundometer, your personal fundraising thermometer andsaving tool. It's always better to save up for the things you wantthan spending money you don't have, and there's no better way tosave than with a fundraising thermometer. No matter whether you aresaving for a new gadget, a new renovation, an appliance, or even ahouse, Fundometer will help keep you on track towards your goals,just like your own fundraising thermometer or piggy bank. Createthermometers for all your goals and then add funds directly fromthe thermometer display. Add funds when you get paid, when you getmoney as a present, or whenever you feel like putting some of yourhard earned money aside. Share your thermometers online and showyour friends what you're saving up for. You can now also keep trackof who has contributed to each of your goals. Let's see your piggybank do that! You can also put use Fundometer to put a fundraisingthermometer widget right on your homescreen so you can see yoursavings progress every time you use your phone. Fundometer does nothandle your money in any way. Instead of giving us your bankinformation, simply use Fundometer to keep track of portions ofyour existing savings whether they are in savings accounts,investments, or piggy banks. For free you can create up to threethermometers using any of the three default thermometers and any ofthe 6 backgrounds to personalize it. In app upgrades are availableunlocking the following features: (Regular prices) - UnlimitedThermometers $3.99 - Remove Ads $1.99 - More Thermometer Colors$1.99 Known Bugs: - Adding item pictures from the gallery/photosdoesn't seem to work in Android 5.0 Lollipop, (fixed in V 2.2.1) -The settings screen sometimes crashes on tablets running Android4.4 and above, (fix coming in V 2.2.2) - Problem with recurringcontributions.
Buy it Later 1.0.0
Don't spend money you don't have when youcanbuy it later. And don't worry about missing out because now youcanset a BuyLater Reminder for your next payday (or any dayreally).Whenever you see something you want, but should really buylater,set a BuyLater reminder.Features:Create up to 5 BuyLater Reminders for free (unlimited withproversion)Set a picture for each reminder from either your cameraorgallerySet notifications for each reminder (optional)Known bugs:Enable alarm setting doesn't always "stick" - fix created andwillbe released with final build December 31.
Glass or Bottle 2.0.3
Raise a glass to the better deal
Whack a Leader ft. Trump et al 3.4.3
Experience a brutal yet entertaining election with this fun gamethat lets you take it out on the major candidates Sanders, Clinton,Trump, and Cruz. You can whack who you want, or you can test yourreaction time and face recognition skills with the Time Challengeand Target Challenge. Whack a Leader (originally Whack a Mayor) isa game that provides an entertaining take on elections andpolitics. All players are voters and the votes are recorded at Just whack your leastfavourite politician to take out your frustrations on them, even ifit's not voting day. Each player starts with a limited number ofvotes, but can earn more by playing the fun challenge games. TheTime Challenge tests players’ ability to whack the candidates asmany times as possible in a 40 second time limit, and the TargetChallenge tests reactions and accuracy by having players whack theleader shown on the fast-changing indicator. Please visit for more information,screenshots, current whack statistics and video. Whack a Mayor wascreated by Glass Bottle Apps, an independent Toronto-based appdevelopment team founded in December 2013. Our most popular app todate has been the Fundometer personal saving tool. This game wasmade for humorous purposes and we are not affiliated with any ofthe candidates.
Super Number Runner 1.0.3
Not your ordinary run-and-jump platformer.Youalso have to keep track of the number sequence and get thenextcorrect chip before time runs out.You play as the Tanuki on a mission in a space-themedobstaclecourse. Advance through the levels by completing eachnumbersequence before the finish line. Unlock abilities with eachlevel.Each level is a new, faster, and more difficult challenge,withjumps, leaps and enemies to dodge.Complete all the levels in story mode, or play theendlesschallenges; sequences that keep going as long as youcansurvive.